Godly’s Principles Guarantee Success

Joshua 1 v 8: Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous.


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Isaiah 40 v 8: The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.

The Bible contains hundreds of principles that govern the relationship between God-mankind and mankind-mankind. It is important to note that these principles are always beneficial. When the principles that have a direct bearing upon our relationship with God are taken to heart, the Lord becomes the prime influence on the moral compass of mankind. On the other hand, these principles affect our relationship with people, and applying them encourages us to do “nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind [consider] that the others are superior to you (Philippians 2 v 3-4). Our primary principle should be influenced by the motto that says, “Whatever we do, do all for the honor and glory of the Lord”.

If something is good the Bible will promote it and if not good it will be discouraged. It is important to note that following God’s laws, precepts, decrees and principles will surely guarantee a meaningful, fulfilling, and successful life. If we want to prosper and be successful in this life we need to learn the principles that God has set forth for us in His Word and obey them. The Lord promises to give us everything we need in life if we put Him first (Matthew 6 v 33).

Reference can be made to Daniel in the Bible as a principled person. The Bible describes him (in Daniel 2 v 28; Daniel 9 v 23 and Daniel 10 v 11) as being very desirable in the eyes of God. If something is desirable it means that it is worthy, pleasant, and excellent and many people might want it. Desirable people are more appealing because they have good and pleasing qualities. Desirable people make considerable efforts to become better at their passions and don’t constantly procrastinate but find out what they love and do it with finesse. They don’t waste their lives with mindless addictions but use their time to work on improving themselves. Daniel knew who he was and what he stood for and his opinions and viewpoints, although flexible, did not blow with the winds. He had a strong opinion about what was right and defended it regardless of whether or not he was punished. I, therefore, believe that since Daniel was desirable he was successful across his multiple life domains because he did not compromise his value system. His conduct and character were so good that he was very desirable in the eyes of God. A person, who knows what he wants out of life and has the ambition to go after it, will forever be more desirable than he who is passively content in mediocrity. Indeed, Godly Principles Guarantee Success!

I have tried, tested, and applied these principles in my life and can guarantee that they do work. Read this book and diligently apply the principles documented in it. Therefore, observe the words of this covenant and follow them, so that you will succeed in everything you do (Deuteronomy 29 v 9).

Mankind is not immune to challenges. Life is like a roller coaster and at times it brings difficult moments for mankind. However, they are expected to continuously and consciously display a high level of godly principles to survive the ever-changing and immoral ways that are perpetuated by those who are supposed to be the role models of our societies. In this book, the author takes the reader through various godly principles that have been tested and found to be effective in shaping his life and the lives of others. The author starts by encouraging the reader to conduct soul searching to understand their purpose in life and challenge them to strive against all odds to live a life worthy of their calling. The book further leads the reader to the source of life and urges the reader to shape their principles and values and how they set goals based on God’s Word.

The core message of this book is not to condemn people especially those who have fallen by the wayside but rather to assist and encourage those who have compromised living a principled life to start transforming their ways and to uphold godly principles. These principles are meant to be practiced daily and not just when and how one feels like and wants to use them. They are to be used even if one is not deriving a direct and personal reward or benefit from such principles.

Application of these principles will ensure that true success becomes a normal part of your everyday routine and a way of leaving a legacy for future generations. The author has surrounded

himself with men and women who have influenced his life and brought about the desire to always uphold godly principles. The author relates some of his personal life experiences that he has tasted as a way of bringing the message home that living with godly principles guarantees success.

Joshua 1 v 8: Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous.


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